lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

I leave a couple of methods of training

S/E  7-2    FECHA: 10/02/04       TIEMPO:(Prog: 150. Min.              .


I leave a couple of applications that you can be effective in increasing your physical ability :)

Here we see the first app that will help us show off a flat stomach:

 Abdominales en 7 minutos: miniatura de captura de pantalla  Has 14 training exercises : Squat jump, reverse crunch , plank with arms outstretched , Russian Twist , Hound , Burpees , arms stretched Crunch bridge to a leg , a leg Push Plank idly Crunch , mountain Climbing Bridge Crunch bicycle . These exercises allow you to work your abdominal and back muscles.

After a short time , you will see an obvious and large difference in yourselves, healthier , sexier , younger and more energetic .                                  Abdominales en 7 minutos: miniatura de captura de pantalla  
 Abdominales en 7 minutos: miniatura de captura de pantalla                                                            here I leave the second app
This tool is an introduction to the world of nutrition and sport , for all those restless people who care about food and doing some kind of exercise, whatever their discipline and level of practice
. Nutrición y Deporte: miniatura de captura de pantalla    Nutrición y Deporte: captura de pantalla

You want to increase your muscle mass this app is perfect for you
This application provides all the necessary information to step forward and thus get a better appearance.
To achieve increase muscle mass, you must have the necessary skills , knowledge provides this app perfectly . For example, to understand muscle metabolism of the body, the necessary power to get the muscles to grow without generating fat, and sports supplementation to get us up and perform at optimum level.
 Aumentar masa muscular: miniatura de captura de pantalla   Aumentar masa muscular: miniatura de captura de pantalla  

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

You need a help with your physical endurance ?HAVE A LOOK AT THIS!

Hi guys, I 've found this page with different types of tests that will help you know which is your physical condition and how you can improve it TO TAKE A LOOK!

here I leave a few pictures:

I hope you find it useful ;)